Sunday, September 13, 2015

PDA. Stop it

I have one quetion. Why publicly display affection? That just seems uncomfortable. 
Don't get me wrong, I think it's so great that people like each other. It's so tender. But why do people feel like they need to show that affection at school or in other public places? We've all seen those couples that feel like they need to hug for 500 years and constantly stroke their lover before they go to their next class's almost like they aren't capable of communicating with each other unless they are within 0 inches of each other. 
And why do some people think they need to post their affection all over social media? It's like..."6 months and 17 days and 4 hours with my girl. I love you so so so so much babe." 
Thats great and all. But who cares? The only reason I care is because I have to look at this garbage.
It's kinda sad to me. It's just unecessary. It's so great to say and do those things. But say them to the person that needs to hear it. Not every single person who follows you or walks past you in the halls.  Spare my stomach please. Enough is enough.