Tuesday, September 1, 2015


"With our thoughts we make the world."  Welcome to my world.  

I feel what I am thinking...
I think what I am feeling...
Where did this cycle begin?

I think to much.  I overthink everything.  I think about everything. 
Question, why do humans have armpit hair? Should I be worried about my brother who shaves his armpits? Should I call him Catilyn? Why did Bruce Jenner want to be Catilyn? Maybe only God knows that.  I could be a God one day.  

Sometimes I feel too much.  Sometimes I feel too little.
I'm pretty sure that I am in love.  At least that's what I think. I'm in love.  Where am I going with this?  Where am I going with my life?  Wherever and Whatever it is, it's gonna be great.

Welcome to my world.