Sunday, September 13, 2015


How to get your crayons back 
- keep a journal
- do things you're scared to do
- eat little kid snacks 
- Unlearn caring what others think of you
- take lots of pictures 
- watch your favorite Disney movies 
- talk to lots of people 
- find something you love, and do it everyday 
- do stupid things 
- grow your hair out
- ignore everybody 
- express your feelings
- go outside and play (like recess) 
- build forts
- go on adventures 
- read 
- try new things 

Always remember, you are what you love, not what loves you. 


  1. I adore this. It's almost like a list of things to do to have a good life :)

  2. "you are what you love, not what loves you" that line though. that video though.
