Monday, September 28, 2015

Nope. Not a Fwrackin Robot

Reasons why I'm not a robot 
1. I went to the bathroom 5 minutes ago 
2. I drank water that made it so I had to go to the bathroom 
2. I get bloody noses daily 
3. I cried last week 
4. I mess up 
5. I have emotion
5. I got mad at my dad
6. I have a dad
7. I have a mom 
8. I did two #5's on this list 
8. I don't know what comes after the number 8
8. My body is growing 
8. I learn 
8. I grow 
8. I'm Alive 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

"You've got that one thing"

There's this one thing, it's called food. I love it. 

She's always been there for me. From frothy liquids to voluptuous meals, no matter what life throws at me, I can always count on her to be there for me. When our lips touch, I swear I can taste the next 60 years of my life. I would literally die without her. I need her. She's my everything. When I've had a long day, when I am feeling down about myself, she always knows exactly how to make me feel good again. I think the best part is that I know she's never gonna leave me. We will never break up. I find such peace in that. I love her (food) 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Say These Things More

You better be 16

Top 10 Dates 
1. Tandem biking in Provo canyon
2. Drive-in Movie 
3. Go to DI, pick out each other's outfits (whatever the heck you want the other person to wear) then go classic skating. 
4. Netflix and Chill?..
5. Ice castles 
6. Dinner, movie, temple square lights, Starbucks, sleigh ride, walk on the steps of Capitol building. 
7. Take yourself on a date. Get yourself some quality grub, and go see a movie. 
8. Concert
9. State Fair/ Rodeo 
10. Horseback riding/ picnic 

Sunday, September 13, 2015


How to get your crayons back 
- keep a journal
- do things you're scared to do
- eat little kid snacks 
- Unlearn caring what others think of you
- take lots of pictures 
- watch your favorite Disney movies 
- talk to lots of people 
- find something you love, and do it everyday 
- do stupid things 
- grow your hair out
- ignore everybody 
- express your feelings
- go outside and play (like recess) 
- build forts
- go on adventures 
- read 
- try new things 

Always remember, you are what you love, not what loves you. 

PDA. Stop it

I have one quetion. Why publicly display affection? That just seems uncomfortable. 
Don't get me wrong, I think it's so great that people like each other. It's so tender. But why do people feel like they need to show that affection at school or in other public places? We've all seen those couples that feel like they need to hug for 500 years and constantly stroke their lover before they go to their next class's almost like they aren't capable of communicating with each other unless they are within 0 inches of each other. 
And why do some people think they need to post their affection all over social media? It's like..."6 months and 17 days and 4 hours with my girl. I love you so so so so much babe." 
Thats great and all. But who cares? The only reason I care is because I have to look at this garbage.
It's kinda sad to me. It's just unecessary. It's so great to say and do those things. But say them to the person that needs to hear it. Not every single person who follows you or walks past you in the halls.  Spare my stomach please. Enough is enough.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

My favorite hat

Everyone wears hats. Everyone has different hats. Different hats that they wear around different people. 
Of all my many hats, my favorite is the one I don't have to wear.  My favorite hat is my own hair. My favorite is being comfortable in my own skin. The kind of people I can wear this "hat" around are the ones that I want to keep in my life. These are the people I care most about. These are people that love me for me. I think having to put on a hat in order to be around someone is so fake. I hate being fake. Although wearing a hat when somehwere may help you fit in or make others happy with you, and that can be a good thing. My favorite hat is the one I don't have to wear.

I don't have a favorite hat. My favorite hat doesn't exist. 


I have been alive for 17 years.
I have experienced a lot. 
I have had so many concussions that I don't even remember how many concussions I've had.
I once watched 2 seasons of Gossip Girl on Netflix in 1 week. 
I love shopping
I love clothes
I love food
I love spending all my money on food and clothes 
I have a broken heart 
I am freezing in the sweat of my own thoughts
I am roasting in the ice of my fear of progression 
I have myself a shawty 
I love how much I hate life 

I am a clean mess. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


"With our thoughts we make the world."  Welcome to my world.  

I feel what I am thinking...
I think what I am feeling...
Where did this cycle begin?

I think to much.  I overthink everything.  I think about everything. 
Question, why do humans have armpit hair? Should I be worried about my brother who shaves his armpits? Should I call him Catilyn? Why did Bruce Jenner want to be Catilyn? Maybe only God knows that.  I could be a God one day.  

Sometimes I feel too much.  Sometimes I feel too little.
I'm pretty sure that I am in love.  At least that's what I think. I'm in love.  Where am I going with this?  Where am I going with my life?  Wherever and Whatever it is, it's gonna be great.

Welcome to my world.