Sunday, January 10, 2016

There is a place where the sidewalk ends

If falling asleep is like going to Paris, then I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

What I've been trying to say is... I found the sidewalk that goes to Paris, but I don't know where it ends.  And I don't know what will happen if I step on a crack.  I guess there's only one way to find out.

I've got a lot on my chest... and I think i'm writing because i'm trying to say something

When I was little I thought if I peddled hard enough on my tricycle, my loneliness couldnt catch up with me.  I also thought I could actually be invisible just by putting a blanket over my head.
But now I'm just trying to think of ways to be seen.

Yesterday there was a fire inside of me.  It was all hot and smokey, and it burned a lot of things.
But these are the things I found in the fire.

I learned.
I learned that it doesn't matter what I lost, its gone so move on.
I learned that the sun rises every single morning.
I learned that the most important things can often be left unspoken.
Yesterday I felt like blue. The blue made me feel cold.  The cold made me freeze, and I learned that there is heat in freezing.
I learned that people are a lot like black out poetry, they only show you the parts of themselves that they want you to see.
Yesterday I said tomorrow.  And today I was too late.  I learned that there is nothing worse than too late.
I learned that memories were the best things I ever had.
I learned that the things you put in your head stay there for forever.
I learned to stay inside the lines, while thinking outside the box.

Everybody is writing their own book.  And if you don't stop comparing your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 15, then nobody is ever gonna read your book.
If you can talk then you can sing.  If you can walk  then you can dance.

There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And it ends where it began.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

I Remember...

I remember stalking your instagram sophmore year
I remember being just your friend
I remember watching you make out with my best friend
I remember when he told you he didnt like you
I remember when I made you feel better
I remember when you told me that you liked me
I remember our first kiss
I remember our fince dance together
I remember when you moved
I remember the day your dad got re-married
I remember you throwing me a surprise party
I remember sneaking out with you in St. George
I remember how being in a class with you is the best thing ever
I remember going to prom with you
I remember becoming your best friend

And I will never forget

Sunday, December 13, 2015

A World Reborn

Dear A World Reborn (Dallin Asay),

I want to say thank you.  Thank you for being real, and for being honest.  I know that sharing your feelings can be scary to do, but its reality.  You've been real and I respect you so much for that.  I've decided the most meaninful White Elephant gift I can give you is some advice.

Im gonna be honest with you, reading some of the things you wrote on your blog made me sad.  But thats mostly because I kinda know how you feel.  Freak dude I know life is sucky sometimes, and maybe thats how your whole life has been.  But you're so young, you have so much more life ahead of you.  Look forward to that.  We are young, we may feel like we know a lot, but actually we have so much to learn.

I have felt some of the things that you have felt before.  And I've learned so much from that.  I've learned that life is all about perspective.
When you feel like your head is just gonna explode and that youre just a mess, all you need to do is simpify.  Realize where the things you are feeling are coming from.  If they dont make you feel good, chances are they arent true.  Happiness is a choice that you make every single day.  Happiness comes from the little things.

We all Live in a Bubble
Here its a little too easy to feel like trouble 

Life has so much good, and so much bad
Comparing yourself to others will only make you sad

With all the confusion being thrown at us these days
The "straight and narrow" feels more like a maze

But in the end it doesnt matter if the Glass if 1/2 empty or full
Theres water in the cup, if you dont drink it youre a fool

Sunday, December 6, 2015

B̶L̶A̶C̶K̶ O̶U̶T̶

▪️▫️Falling in Love▫️▪️

First you have to breathe 
Love needs to be fed 
It may break a few things 
Love makes messes 
But love never stops 

Monday, November 30, 2015

The End of the Beginning

This is the week we are all supposed to reveal our pen names.  It's scary stuff. For me I'm not too worried because I already revealed who I am.  Dan Humphrey is Adam Canfield. 

To be honest I'm not really sure if you even know who Adam Canfield is.  Because I don't talk very much and I think I'm scared of what you think about me.  But maybe you should know who I am. 

Something I've learned over these few months of writing behind a pen name is that you've just gotta be yourself. There's really nobody else to be. 

Yes we have all been different people in the sense that we have been using different names for ourselves, but I promise you everything that came from Dan Humphrey was coming straight from my head. I've learned to be sure of who I am, and to be that person.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Letter To My Heart


How's it going down there? I've never actually seen you, but I've seen you trying to break out. I can see you pounding on my chest whenever you get beating really fast. 
I'm glad you know how to take a punch. I've gotta give you that. I know I should listen to you more...maybe I just can't hear what you're saying most of the time because of everything else that is going on. Maybe we speak different love languages. Whatever it is, I'm sorry I don't listen to you more. 

Thanks for always beating for me you bloody mess.